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Lëtz Art ASBL Project ‘TRICOT’ Launches.

From September 2024, aspiring entrepreneurs, project leaders and creators can participate in Lëtz Art’s project ‘TRICOT’, a training and coaching programme that aims support aspiring entrepreneurs, creators and project developers, especially newcomers, and third-country nationals.

‘What could be more exciting than giving newcomers, third-country nationals and budding entrepreneurs the tools to create their own businesses, develop and launch their own projects and thus further their own socio-economic integration in Luxembourgish society?’ (Uyi Nosa-Odia, Director of Lëtz Art ASBL).


The project will be managed and implemented by Uyi Nosa-Odia and was born from the accumulation of years of experience working in the social, cultural and entrepreneurship sectors in Luxembourg - specifically for Touchpoints ASBL, which has closed its doors. 

‘TRICOT’ consists of three key aspects that beneficiaries of the project can take part in: individual consultation, training workshops, and business meet-ups.

Since this is the first phase of the project, places are limited, and thus, individual consultations will be offered on a ‘needs’ basis. In a first meeting, it will be assessed whether or not someone qualifies for one-on-one consultations or if a re-orientation towards other services offered by ‘TRICOT’ or our partners at House of Entrepreneurship may be more beneficial. If a participant is accepted into one-on-one consultations, an average of 10 hours will be allotted.

The training workshops take place 15 times per year (5 three-day sessions) of 4 hours per session. What sets the TRICOT workshops apart is its easily understandable and practical content. The target audience does not require any previous higher educational certifications or experience to find the workshops useful. Primary teaching methods employed will be group work, peer-supported learning, practice-based exercises and consolidation, task-based learning, and blended learning. The model builds on the ‘Sleeves Up’ project (by Touchpoints ASBL) which has had more than 300 graduates since 2017. Training content focuses on three key business and project management areas: production & sales; financing & bookkeeping; and administration & management.

Business Meet-Ups are scheduled to be held five times per year. The goal is for participants to be inspired, learn and network. Discussions will be about topics relating to the job market, economic and social sectors in Luxembourg, while offering participants the opportunity to expand their networks. Guest speakers will be established business leaders, industry, public and private sector experts, individuals, and public figures.


Individual consultations and workshops will be held at the House of Entrepreneurship in Kirchberg. The business meet-ups will be held at Chiche! Restaurant, Limpersberg. 


The implementation of ‘TRICOT’ by Lëtz Art during this first circle from September 2024 to August 2026, is made possible through sponsorships and partnerships with the Ministry of Economy, House of Entrepreneurship, Touchpoints ASBL and others. 

‘I am extremely grateful for the institutional support Lëtz Art has received so far. I think the fact that I, as a Nigerian who lives and works in Luxembourg, have been able to set and attend meetings with top-level government officials in this matter, testifies to the fact that hard work and the right connections do open doors in Luxembourg. I want to work towards empowering others like me and hopefully read about their success stories in the future.’ (Uyi Nosa-Odia) 

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